Wellbeing key to staying positive during lockdown #FitFeb

1 February 2021

Well it’s fair to say that for many of us January felt longer than ever! And now, the first day of February feels a little different to previous years where we’ve engaged in #FitFeb. Instead of a month of learning better habits and getting active, we’ve had a year of learning new ways of working and supporting each other.

We all recognise that one of the simplest ways to stay positive is to be active or get outdoors, working from home brings it’s own challenges. Not just the blaring negative headlines about the pandemic, but the increase in screen time, home schooling and being cut off from family and friends.

We believe action leads to motivation (not the other way around) and have continued to take small and thoughtful steps to keep the team’s motivation moving. This includes guest speakers covering nutrition, financial wellbeing and motivation. Interactive sessions with a physio to ensure we’re supporting our neck, back and shoulders whilst remote working. And Pilates to help clear our minds and move our bodies.

We’ve also introduced ‘Your Hour’ – 12pm to 1pm every day. A reminder to move away from our screens, go for a walk, switch phones off and simply take time for ourselves during the day. Just as we would if we were in the office – popping up to Camden Market to sample the street food delights or a walk to Regents Park! After chatting to the team, we all noticed that the dark nights, bad weather, mixed with a busy start to the year, meant that we weren’t getting outdoors as much as we had in previous lockdowns.

Along with our buddy programme and employee helpline scheme, now more than ever, checking in with each other has proven more important than ever before. We know only too well that challenges can impact people’s work-life balance and how they feel about their job as a result. Having long been advocates of flexible working, we encourage people to work the hours that suit them – and that includes the inclusion of duvet days, because sometimes you just need time out.

All businesses are forever learning, but one thing that remains the same throughout. Our people are the heart of Mercieca.

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