Pretending to know Mums?

20 February 2017

It’s the code all marketers work to crack. The illusive target market that only few have truly understood – yet influences about 85% of all purchasing decisions.

We’re talking about mums and dads.

But who is ‘mum’? Being a mum (or parent for that matter) isn't a title that can be neatly put in a box, and neither should the way in which brands communicate with them.

Following our recent campaign Operation Christmas with Mother Pukka and Sellotape and our work with Beko, we wanted to pull together some of the top marketing tips we've come across when marketing to ‘mum’, whoever she may be.

One size does not fit all

Only 19 per cent of UK mothers believe there are good examples of mums in advertising they can relate to. In our opinion, that's quite low considering that mums influence 85% of all purchase decisions made within the family.

Instead of trying to pigeonhole who 'mum' is with hyperbole and reductive personas, try thinking about the bigger picture. What are her real concerns, both as a mother and a person? It’s safe to say that no matter what situation you are in in life, that most of us are just trying to do our best. Often, just hearing the confirmation that we’re not perfect, and that’s ok, is in and of itself a strong message.

Gain insight from your audience with these 5 questions

Because who else knows mums better than mums themselves…

• What brands do you like?
• Who is getting it right?
• Who is getting it wrong?
• Where do you look for inspiration?
• Who makes the majority of the purchasing decisions in your home?

Educating parents doesn’t need to be cheesy, or boring…

Know where mums look for inspiration

Parents are more likely to use Facebook than any other source when making purchasing decisions. 56% of mums globally follow brands on Instagram.

More than just a mum…or a dad

Mums and dads are people, like all those people without children they have their own interests and passions. Really the only thing they all have in common is that their children are the most important thing to them.

What do you believe is the most important element to consider when marketing to parents? We’d love to hear your ideas, so please come and say hello.

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Pub Oscars, Hungover Brunches and Crazy Golf
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